
من المرأة التي قالت كل طويل احمق الا عمر وكل قصير فتنه الا علي

من المرأة التي قالت كل طويل احمق الا عمر وكل قصير فتنه الا علي

A woman stated that she believes all tall men are fools except for Omar, and all short men are charming except for Ali. This statement implies that the woman has a negative perception of tall men, attributing foolishness to them. On the other hand, she views short men in a positive light, associating charm with them. This perspective may reflect the woman’s personal experiences or biases towards men of different heights. Overall, the statement highlights the woman’s contrasting opinions on tall and short men based on her interactions and observations.

يوزرات سناب قصيرة ومميزة وجديدة 2024 يوزرات سناب فخمة؟ – الدقيق الإخباري
عندما تتدفق الماجما على سطح الارض تسمى – جاوبني

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