
ما معنى تم ارجاع القيد على حسابكم

معنى انه تم ارجاع القيد على حسابكم .

ان الشخص يقوم بصرف نقود من ماكينة الصرف الالى فتتم عملية الصرف ولكن لاتخرج النقود ويتم خصمها من رصيدة

فيذهب الى البنك فتتم حل المسكلة وارجاع الرصيد الى حسابه وتسمى تلك العملية تم ارجاع القيد الى حسابكم .

The meaning is that the withdrawal was credited back to your account. When a person tries to withdraw money from an ATM and the cash does not come out, but the amount is deducted from their balance, they can go to the bank to resolve the issue and have the balance returned to their account. This process is called crediting the withdrawal back to your account.

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