
ماهو اختصار كلمة pharmacy

ماهو اختصار كلمة pharmacy

Pharmacy is often abbreviated as “Pharm” which is short for the term pharmacy. Pharmacists are responsible for dispensing medications, counseling patients on proper usage, and ensuring the safety and effectiveness of prescribed medications. The field of pharmacy involves a combination of science, health care, and business. Additionally, pharmacists play a crucial role in the healthcare system by providing valuable information on drug interactions, side effects, and proper dosages. In short, pharmacy abbreviated as “Pharm” is a field that focuses on the safe and effective use of medications to improve patient outcomes and overall health.

الدافع الأساسي للكشوف الجغرافية هو الدافع الاجتماعي
قصة اسامة بن زيد الصف الثاني الاعدادي – جاوبني

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