
جواز السفر تبلل

جواز السفر تبلل

“جواز السفر تبلل” is a phrase in Arabic that means “passport got wet.” This can be a concern for travelers as a wet passport may not be accepted at border crossings or immigration checkpoints. It is important to keep passports dry and protected while traveling to ensure smooth passage through security checks. If a passport does get wet, it should be dried thoroughly before attempting to use it again to avoid any issues while trying to enter a new country.

سجل متابعة القرآن الكريم ثاني متوسط ( تحفيظ ) الفصل الدراسي الثالث لعام ١٤٤٥هـ
المطرودي وش يرجعون – جاوبني

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