
منصة الضمان الاجتماعي المطور تسجيل جديد sbis.hrsd

Social Security Platform Developer New Registration sbis.hrsd What individuals who benefit from social security allocations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are concerned about, due to the necessity of registering in the new platform that was recently activated by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the Kingdom within the new advantages and new goals that the developed social security system seeks to achieve, and the reference site is presented in the following The most important details about registration in the developed social security platform.

Developed Social Security System


The Ministry of Resources and Development recently announced the scheduled date for activating the developed social security system, which is the system that was issued in Saudi Royal Decree No. (M/32) for the year 1444 AH; The new system primarily aims to achieve financial stability for groups living in difficult economic conditions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in a way that ensures that these groups obtain the basic needs to achieve a decent life for these families. What the actual needs of individuals in Saudi society include.[1]

Developed Social Security System

Objectives of the new social security system 1444

The following are the main objectives that the new social security system aims to achieve:[2]

  • Adopting a set of means and measures necessary to address cases of poverty in the Saudi society.
  • Ensuring that individuals receive the minimum income that enables them to meet basic needs, by estimating the minimum pension that is calculated.
  • Providing support and protection to all individuals benefiting from the program, taking into account the groups that are classified as most in need of support.
  • Enabling beneficiary individuals to achieve financial independence and contribute to transforming them into productive groups in society.
  • Adopting mechanisms that ensure access to eligible individuals for support.
  • Assisting beneficiaries in cases of disasters and crises.

Objectives of the new social security system 1444

Social security platform developer registration

The following steps show the mechanism to be followed when registering in the new social security platform for the year 1444 AH:

  • Go to the official warranty portal “from here”.
  • Click on the new user tab in the system interface.
  • Enter the national ID number of the beneficiary and then the date of birth using the calendar.
  • Enter the mobile number in the space provided.
  • Create the password for the beneficiary’s account.
  • Confirm the password, then review and agree to the terms.
  • Click on the record icon.
  • Perform the verification required to complete the registration.
  • Log in to the account and complete the required data entry.
  • Clicking on the Programs tab among the main site doors.
  • Clicking on the application icon for the warranty program, and you can apply to the program easily through the steps mentioned below.

Registration link for the new developed social security system sbis.hrds.gov.sa

How to apply for the developed Social Security 1444

The following steps must be followed so that individuals wishing to apply for the developed social security for the year 1444 AH can do so:

  • Visit the developed social security portal “from here”.
  • Complete the login registration to the beneficiary’s account.
  • Verify that the data contained in the unified file has been entered.
  • Go to the main menu in the platform and click on “Programs”.
  • Click on the apply icon next to the Social Security program.

Social Security Developer Login

Individuals benefiting from the insurance program can register access to the social security platform developed for the year 1444 AH through the national access by following the following steps:

  • Go to the developed social security portal “from here”.
  • Clicking on the login icon from the national portal.
  • Enter the required data to log in to the platform.
  • Click on the login tab.
  • Enter the verification code, then click on the “Continue” icon.
  • Go to the personal account interface.

Minimum pension in the newly developed social security system 1444

Developed Social Security Eligibility Conditions

A set of conditions must be met in order for an individual to obtain the support of the developed social security program for the current year 1444 AH:

  • The beneficiary must be a Saudi citizen, with the exception of the following categories for which nationality is not required:
    • Saudi wife.
    • A Saudi divorcee and widow if she has Saudi children.
    • Children of a Saudi widow and a Saudi divorcee from a foreign husband.
    • Orphans and people with disabilities.
    • Orphaned widows who have transportation cards.
  • That the beneficiary resides permanently within the borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the provision of permanent residence includes individuals whose residency outside the Kingdom did not exceed three consecutive or separate months in the year preceding the date of the disbursement.
  • A decrease in the value of the calculated income for the individual or the family so that it is less than the calculated minimum pension according to what is approved by the competent authorities.
  • Applicability of the criteria for owning and using wealth to individuals applying for program support.
  • The commitment of the individual applying to the program to the requirements of the Ministry of Social Development with regard to health, education, rehabilitation or community service.

Documents required to obtain a developed social security

The application for the benefits of the social security program in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not require the provision of any papers or documents during the application submission, but a set of conditions must be fulfilled in order for the applicant to be able to obtain support, and the support continues to be disbursed to eligible individuals as long as the individual is committed to the eligibility conditions of the program.

Eligible for the new Social Security pension

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has made many amendments to the social security system to include the most deserving groups in society. The groups eligible for support in the developed program of social security are as follows:

  • Disabled individuals who are unable to work are Saudi citizens, and this includes all kinds of disability cases, whether temporary or permanent.
  • Orphaned children and Saudi women who do not have a breadwinner, including divorced or abandoned women.
  • The Saudi woman whose husband is absent or has gone missing, the wife of a drug addict and widowed women.
  • Older people and people of old age because they are unable to work, including both women and men.
  • Saudi families who lose the head of the family; This includes abandoned families, families of absentees, missing persons, and drug addicts.
  • Children of widowed and divorced Saudi women.

New Social Security Eligibility Classification

Beneficiaries of the new social security program are classified according to the following categories:

  • Unqualified beneficiaries.
  • Eligible beneficiaries.
  • Beneficiaries who are able to work.

How do I know that I am accepted in the developed Social Security 1444

Calculating the developed social security salary

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development clarified that the approved method for calculating the new developed social security pension is based on many criteria and controls based on which the value of the monthly pension for beneficiary individuals is known. The mechanism for calculating the security salary can be clarified as follows:

  • The total value of the monthly income of individuals who are eligible for social security support is known.
  • Deduction of 50% of the total salary value.
  • This percentage is added to the value of other government support provided to the family or individual eligible for the guarantee, except for support programs or support programs for people with special abilities.
  • A comparison is made between the total calculated income and the calculated minimum pension according to the approved monthly entitlement value for family members, which was determined by the Ministry at 1,100 Saudi riyals for the head of the family, and 500 Saudi riyals for each family member.

Calculating the developed social security salary

Developer Social Security Penalties

The Ministry of Resources and Development in the Kingdom sets out all penalties and provisions imposed on individuals who are eligible to support the new social security, in the event of breaching what is included in the developed social security system, which are the following penalties:

  • A fine not exceeding 5,000 Saudi riyals or a penalty that includes imprisonment for a period of time not exceeding three months or both penalties shall be imposed on the head of the family who receives the pension and this pension is not spent on his dependent individuals.
  • A fine of not more than 10,000 Saudi riyals or a prison sentence not exceeding one year or both penalties shall be imposed on individuals who receive social security support unjustly.
  • A more severe penalty is applied to the beneficiary in the event that the penalties imposed in the previous two paragraphs violate any other regulations.
  • The Ministry of Human Resources and Development receives all communications from individuals who receive program support, provided that they are forwarded to the competent authorities.

Is the developed social security entitlement affected?

The developed social security entitlement is affected in several cases; It depends on the beneficiary obtaining support in these cases, which are illustrated in the following:

  • Payment of the guarantee benefit shall cease if any of the conditions for the individual to obtain the benefit cease to exist.
  • Payment of the security entitlement shall stop if the Ministry of Resources and Development in the Kingdom verifies that the data provided by the beneficiary is incorrect during registration in the program.
  • The pension payment is suspended in case the beneficiary delays the required update of his data at the times when the ministry requests the beneficiaries to update their personal data; The exchange stops when 30 days have passed from the date the individual was notified of the update request.
  • If it is proven to the Ministry that the individual receiving the pension does not comply with the qualification plans included in the program, in the event that he is eligible for rehabilitation.
  • The payment of the pension to the beneficiary shall be suspended if it is proven that the beneficiary is not seriously committed to looking for work or when it is proven that he has not applied for suitable work through the official platforms approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and the like.
  • The disbursement of the support for the social security program stops in the event that the beneficiary does not accept the training and job offers that are presented to him, in the event that he is able to work.
  • Payment of support stops if the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development verifies that the person entitled to permanent residence is residing in one of the residential centers or treatment centers.
  • Payment of the pension to the beneficiary shall be suspended in the event of the beneficiary’s waiver of the pension, as well as upon the death of the beneficiary.

New developed social security eligibility conditions 1444 sbis

Does the new Social Security include abandoned women?

The wife of the absent or the missing is among the categories covered by the support provided within the social security program developed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, along with many categories that have been officially identified by the Ministry of Resources and Development, and these are the categories that are more in need of social security support than others.

Developed Social Security Link

You can apply for the developed social security program through the link “from here”, which is the link for the platform launched by the ministry as an approved platform for the developed security program, where the ministry announced the official adoption of the platform during the upcoming period of the social security program with the platform’s provision of services stopping and the continuation of the current platform Through the new warranty platform.

However, we did not finish the article Social security platform developer new registration sbis.hrsd, In its lines, we got acquainted with the most prominent details of the developed social security system and the mechanism that enables individuals to register on the developed social security platform and log in to the platform, in addition to the conditions for the eligibility of the developed social security and the categories eligible for support.

رابط الاستعلام عن نتائج قبول قوات الأمن الخاصة السعودية 1444
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