
ما اعراب كنت بارعا

ما اعراب كنت بارعا

This content appears to be discussing the Arabic grammar rule known as “I’rab,” which involves analyzing the grammatical structure of sentences and understanding the various forms of words based on their function in a sentence. The term “كنت بارعا” means “you were skillful” in Arabic. The content likely goes on to explain how this phrase would be dissected and analyzed in terms of its grammatical elements, such as the verb form and case endings. Overall, it seems to be focusing on the intricacies of Arabic grammar and how sentences are constructed in the language.

“رقم 100”.. كولر يقترب من رقم قياسي جديد مع الأهلي في مباراة – الدقيق الإخباري
موعد عرض باب الحارة 12 الحلقة 16 رمضان 2023 والقنوات الناقلة – جاوبني

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