
لماذا سمي نايف ابا الكلاب

سمى نايف ابا الكلاب حيث أنه كثير يعاملهم معاملة طيبة ويهتم بهم ويطعمهم ويتعامل معهم وكأنهم أبناء له، ومن كثرة طيبة قلبه عليهم واهتمامه بهم ولكثرة الكلاب لديه سمى بأبا الكلاب.

Naif was given the nickname “Father of Dogs” because of his kind treatment and care for the dogs. He feeds them, treats them well, and interacts with them as if they were his own children. Due to his compassionate heart and the large number of dogs in his care, he earned the nickname “Father of Dogs”.

زوج فاطمة بن سعيدان – جاوبني
افضل مطعم هندي بالرياض رخيص 2023 – جاوبني

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