
لاي الفية واي قرن تعود قصة سومو ادو

لاي الفية واي قرن تعود قصة سومو ادو

اردز إلى الأصل.

Somu Edward’s story dates back to the late 1800s. He was born in India and moved to the United States in the early 1900s. He worked hard to build a successful business and eventually became a millionaire. He was a generous philanthropist, donating to charities and helping those in need. He was also a successful investor, investing in real estate and other businesses. He was a role model for many, inspiring others to pursue their dreams and achieve success. He passed away in the late 1950s, leaving behind a legacy of hard work and generosity.

محسن جابر يعقد مؤتمرا صحفيا للرد على جمعية المؤلفين وصوت الق
أحمد شيبة عن أغنية فيلم “بنقدر ظروفك” : “هتكسر الدنيا وتشرفت

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