
قصر بنيته وكادني بنيانه تعد النجوم ولا تعد سيسانه

قصر بنيته وكادني بنيانه تعد النجوم ولا تعد سيسانه

This content describes a palace that was constructed with great precision and grandeur, its structure resembling the stars in the sky. The palace’s impressive architecture is compared to the vastness of the sky, indicating its magnificence and beauty. Despite its opulence, the palace is portrayed as delicate and intricate, with its construction nearly as intricate as the count of the stars in the sky. The imagery used evokes a sense of awe and wonder at the craftsmanship and beauty of the palace.

فيديو طريقة طباعة نتائج الطلاب والطالبات من خلال بوابة نتائجي – الدقيق الإخباري
سناب شهد العنزي – جاوبني

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