
سامحْنا اباكَ

سامحْنا اباكَ

This phrase, “سامحْنا اباكَ” in Arabic means “forgive us, father” in English. It is a common expression used to ask for forgiveness from someone’s father or father figure. The phrase is often used in a respectful and humble manner to seek forgiveness for a mistake or wrongdoing. It reflects a sense of remorse and a desire to mend any broken relationships or hurt feelings. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, such as apologizing to a father for a disrespectful behavior or seeking reconciliation with a parent after a conflict.

ما هي سلم رواتب القوات الخاصه للامن الدبلوماسي – جاوبني
من هو رياض سلامة ويكيبيديا – جاوبني

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