
اعراب جملة لله دره من شاعر

اعراب جملة لله دره من شاعر

لله  جار وجرور متعلقان متعلقان بمحذوف فى محل رفع خبر مقدم

دره:  در مبتدا مؤخر مرفوع بالضمة وهو مضاف و الهاء ضمير متصل مبنى فى محل جر بالاضافه

من حرف جر

شاعر اسم مجرور وعلامة جره الكسره

This content explains the grammatical analysis of a sentence in Arabic, specifically focusing on the phrase “لله دره من شاعر”. The phrase is broken down as follows: “لله” is a preposition indicating possession, “دره” is a noun in the nominative case, and “من شاعر” serves as a qualifier. The word “شاعر” is a noun in the genitive case. Overall, the sentence is structured with the preposition “لله” followed by a possessive noun and a qualifier related to a poet.

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