
اسم المفعول من ادار

اسم المفعول من ادار

The content discusses the concept of “ismu almaf’ul” in Arabic grammar, which refers to the word that receives the action of the verb. This is known as the object of the sentence and is often marked with a specific grammatical case ending. The content explains how to identify the ismu almaf’ul in a sentence and provides examples to illustrate its usage. Additionally, it highlights the importance of understanding this concept in order to properly comprehend and construct sentences in Arabic.

يتم تقييم النظام الجديد بشكل مستمر لضمان تحديثه وضمان أدائه للوظائف المحدده بالشكل المطلوب صواب أو خطأ
فيديو البنت اللي قالب السوشيال ميديا تويتر – جاوبني

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